It seems that Prince Harry has been over seas for the last few months serving on the front lines in Iraq. But was he really in Iraq? Recent pictures suggest that he was not in Iraq at all. A journalist, who follows the Royal family, has just told an English newspaper that he was sworn to secrecy when the Royal family paid him to photo shop pictures of Prince Harry in Iraq.
All photos regarding the family have always been sold through this certain journalist and all magazines deal with this person directly first. It would seem that this journalist had all the hot news on the family so magazines and newspapers made deals to get the scoop before everyone else. The problem with this scheme was that it did not last! The journalist finally cracked for 5 million dollars. An insider, who will not be named, offered the journalist 5 million for his confession and the pictures of him before they were photo shopped.
Prince Harry would dress up in an army uniform and stand in front of a white backdrop. Then his body would be put into a picture recently shot in Iraq. What Harry was really doing is cheating on his girlfriend of 3 years Chelsy Davy with Melanie Archer. Melanie met Harry when he was traveling to Niagara Falls and they fell in love instantly.
The only way he thought he could be away without Chelsy knowing of his love affair was if he got drafted. He has been living with Melanie at her dorm room ever since. Brandon Hall at McMaster University has been swamped with photographers ever since. Pictures have not yet surfaced but soon enough they will.
M. Gillespie who is the author of “Cool Bodies: TV Ad Talk,” says that this type of scandal is what the teenage mind feeds on this day in age. It is stated that “for these young people, consuming involves buying into an image, an identity, a fantasy, a feeling, or a myth.” (Sevigny, Lecture 13) For teens in today’s society, this is the type of story that can be incorporated into everyday life. It is every girl’s fantasy to hide away with a prince who loves her.
Many products are also sold based on this dream all together. An example would be the way a Barbie doll is portrayed. There is Princess Barbie and Prince Ken who live happily together in the castle and Rapuzel who gets swept away by her Prince as well. Many teens buy into this idea and this story is just proof that sometimes a Prince does come along to love and rescue you.
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