Tiffany Sterlingberg
London, ON
From just graduating from high school to the university scene, Tiffany Sterlingberg has done it all. A new student at McMaster University, Tiffany has decided that she can not only handle the work load but everything that has to come with being a contestant in the Miss World Canada pageant as well.
Along with her fellow contestant Nicole, Tiffany has donated her time to many organizations such as Big Sisters and Save the Whales. She plans on continuing her studies at McMaster in the communications program and would like to one-day write for the Hamilton Gazette. She currently has an internship at the Gazette and loves it so much that she hopes she can stay to start a career.
Tiffany has won many prestigious pageants and it is seen that these wins put her one step ahead of her opponent Nicole. Some of these pageants include the Miss Teeny Weeny and Miss Pretty Girl contests. The prizes that are associated with both pageants include trips abroad and cash towards her education at McMaster University.
As an active member of the community Tiffany participates in many events that involve public speaking. As a student of communications she finds it very important to distinctly use both her verbal and non-verbal communication skills when addressing a crowd. She especially thinks that non-verbal communication skills are key to any beauty contestant. Some non-verbal communication characteristics include “posture, gesture, face, eyes, voice, physical attractiveness and clothing.” (Sevigny, Lecture 14) Tiffany uses these characteristics very seriously when making a speech and tells us that this is why she won the “I Love Your Speech” award at her high school in 12th grade.
After she has completed her studies at McMaster she wants to travel abroad to Italy where she can find her Italian heritage. She plans on stuffing her face with meatballs and eating as much pasta as she wants. Tiffany has an indefinite love for anything Italian but also is very proud of being Canadian.
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